Caitlin Smith


Caitlin has over 10 years in the construction industry professionally but spent the majority of her life growing up on jobsites with her Dad and his plumbing company learning the lay of the land and decorating hard hats with Lisa Frank stickers. Starting in the office, Caitlin worked her way up from reception to accounting before moving into a project supporting role as a Project Engineer for tenant improvement in the Bay Area working on over 200 projects in one year. After transitioning from T.I. into commercial development and multifamily, Caitlin worked on several public works projects, multiple luxury resorts in Napa as well as the Bay Area and Sacramento, multi-family, and mixed-use buildings before landing in custom residential and working her way up to Project Manager overseeing 6 custom homes and multi-millions of dollars. Missing the excitement of larger scale projects, Caitlin joined Russell Square Consulting in August 2023 and is looking forward to the upcoming projects and being a part of the team!